Spartanburg Gives was created to amplify the needs of area nonprofits and simplify opportunities for the community to address those needs.
City of Spartanburg Southside Monument
neuesouth2021-06-03T15:46:34+00:00Supporting history, growth and pride in Spartanburg Southside with funder presentation deck and brochure.
SIREN : Spartanburg Initiative For Racial Equity Now
neuesouth2020-10-27T13:35:48+00:00Visualizing race equity work in our community with SIREN: The Spartanburg Initiative for Racial Equity Now (SIREN) is focused on achieving a more equitable future through policy research, advocacy, journalism and direct action.
US Census Bureau
neuesouth2021-10-15T16:31:14+00:00Making sure our community gets counted once, and only once in the 2020 Census meant working with the US Census Bureau and 60+ community partners. #SpartanburgCounts
Partners for Active Living
neuesouth2020-10-23T15:49:08+00:00Helping our active-living partner activate and reach more members of the community through engaging storytelling and strategic partnerships.
Spartanburg Science Center
neuesouth2020-10-23T15:47:24+00:00Rebranding and reviving the STEM Hub for Spartanburg County through partnerships, programming and creative communication.
Spartanburg Area Conservancy
neuesouth2020-10-30T15:06:23+00:00How does the second oldest conservation agency in South Carolina celebrate thirty years of protecting green space in Spartanburg? Through creative fundraising, community partnerships, strategic communications and a refreshed brand. SPACE in the News: Cottonwood Trail boardwalk renovations complete, 30th anniversary fundraising continues.
Giving Tuesday : Brew Good
neuesouth2020-10-23T15:53:03+00:00How do you activate giving across the state of South Carolina? Develop a state-wide Giving Tuesday Campaign –Brew Good SC leading efforts in Spartanburg that raised over $30,000 for area nonprofits.